Backlog: Maestro Game Plan

Here is the game plan for Maestro 2.0.0:

  1. Define list of desired features for Maestro 2.0 in a backlog
  2. Refine list of features for Maestro 2.0 into Stories
  3. Create a blank Xamarin.Forms Project
  4. Port the existing code from Windows 8 to UWP and into the Xamarin project
  5. Wire up the Android project
  6. Wire up the iOS project
  7. Wire up the Mac OS X project
  8. Test UWP
  9. Test Android
  10. Test iOS
  11. Test Mac OS X
  12. Release!


  1. Revive Maestro
  2. 3 Months: Halloween Launch


  1. Port existing code (as is) OR incorporate feedback from back in the day OR do a new beta test program to try out features?
  2. How to release iOS app without an iOS account? (Not crazy about paying $100/year to Apple for renting space in the App Store)
  3. Not sure if Xamarin.Forms will support the card animation across all platforms
  4. Since it’s the first version on iOS/Android, perhaps it shouldn’t be called 2.0. Will the Windows App Store allow us to use 1.0 again?
  5. Should we use the rebranded name (top secret)?


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