INERDTIA was originally a technology blog that first saw the light of day in 2010. INERDTIA the company was founded 2 years later in the summer of 2013 to build mobile apps.
Since in physics inertia is the lack of life/movement, the name “inerdtia” was inspired by imagining technology could be explained or done in easier terms without any nerdy jargon. The assumption being that “nerdy” typically involves tons of technical details while non-nerdy makes it easier to understand to mere mortals.
Therefore, inerdtia is the physical state of geeking out without being a nerd.
inerdtia (ee-nerd-sha)
the resistance, of any person, entity or living being, to have or display any nerd-like characteristics in their behavior, communication, interaction or presentation.
The motto “nerdlessly geek” is a form of expression (or a way of life you may say) by taking the nerd out of the geek and bringing technology understanding to everybody.